Priorities for Rutland County
Invest in modern road links to our neighbor states along the Rutland, Vergennes, Middlebury, Manchester, and Bennington corridor. Having no interstate access from this valley has handicapped our county and wounded our economy.
Maximize reutilization of industrial and residential infrastructure left behind from previous waves of economic prosperity.
Support the preparations for robust satellite broadband to serve our remotely located Vermonters.
To support the imminent electrification of New England I propose that Vermont become an energy exporter by building two new nuclear power plants at Vernon.
Prioritize the Rutland phase 2 Airport industrial 40-acre park on the east side of Route 7B.
Revitalize the Castleton distribution hub concept.
Enhance and coordinate the individual town’s economic development efforts.
Build 21st-century highways to link Rutland County:
East to I89 and I91.
West to NY I87.
South between Wallingford and Manchester (Super 7).
North to Burlington (Super 7)
Think of highways as economic bloodlines via environmental architecture.
During road design and construction - Respect wildlife migration paths and road surface drainage.
Continue the expansion of electric vehicle charging stations.
Prepare our road infrastructure for autonomous vehicles.
Focus our treasury on the holistic community good.
Mandate ‘bottoms up’ state and local budget development to make government for efficient.
Lower Taxation.
Combine the Vermont Governor and LT Governor into a single ‘ticket’ for better utility of both elected offices.
Implement term limits for US Senate and US Congress seats.
Focus on providing the best quality, 21st century education for our youth.
Do not overextend state and local budget with unfunded mandates.
Recognize the intolerable mass shootings must be addressed as an immediate priority. Prioritize the roots of this violence.
Support for Vermont’s current rule of law.
Prevent the gun purchases for those convicted of violent crimes, domestic abuse, and the mentally unstable.
Support background checks for private and gun show purchases. Allow the time necessary to conduct this background check.
Support law enforcement and our legal system.
Ensure our first responders are provided the resources they need to protect and serve. Ensure firefighting simulator training is readily available to County volunteer departments at no additional cost.
Provide job training, education options, and counseling to the incarcerated.
Support realistic addiction recovery programs.
Make a major effort to enhance the image of Vermont’s 4-season recreation.
Dedicated paths across the region and state. The Long Trail, Appalachian Trail, VAST snowmobile system, Cross VT Trail, and Pine Trail are each excellent examples of this initiative.
Promote safety, enhanced local residents use, and 4-season tourism revenue.
Expand wilderness paths for hikers, bikers, snowmobiles, cross country skiing, horses, and snowshoeing.
Embrace a long-term gradual phase over to electric recreational vehicles for minimal environmental impact.
Continue the expansion of electric vehicle recharging to embrace all current hydro-carbon powered transport to include cars, trucks, snowmobiles and ATVs.
Two-tiered pay scale: adults and youth.
Respect pensions and don’t tax those who have already provided a lifetime of community or national service.
Enhance emergency services training, equipage and respect.
Support efforts to address Veteran’s PTSD and enhance suicide prevention.
Respect citizenship processing promises made to non-US service members.
Shift future state and municipal employees to the corporate 401K model.