Legislative Record

Legislative Assignments

Current Full-Time Committees

  • Vice Chairman - Senate Education Committee

  • Senate Economic Development and Housing, Clerk

Past Full-Time Committees

  • Vice Chairman - Senate Health and Welfare Committee

Current Part-Time Committees and Delegations

  • Legislative Committee on Administrative Rules (LCAR)

  • Veterans Affairs and National Guard Caucus

  • Joint Information Technology Oversight Committee (JITOC)

  • VT Web Portal Board

  • Taiwan Legislative Delegation Representative from New England

Past Part-Time Committees

  • State Aid for School Construction Working Group

  • Joint School Construction Task Force

  • Joint Legislative Justice Oversight Committee (Health/Welfare Support)

  • Joint Emergency Housing Transition Committee (Health/Welfare Support)

  • Education Committee of Conference

Community Engagement

  • Proctor GOP Vice Chair

2023-2024 Biennium Bills: Sponsorship and Voting Record

In the 2023 and 2024 legislative session, I wrote or co-sponsored 58 bills and resolutions. I am most proud of my efforts on the following legislation:

  • S-38. Updating Act 250 to relieve our downtowns from permitting bureaucracy when there is already a local zoning board.

  • S-118. Exempting military retirement and survivors’ benefits from state income tax.

  • S-297. Use the cumulative value of stolen property to satisfy the threshold that determines whether a crime is a felony or misdemeanor.

Use the following link to the Vermont General Assembly website for a dynamic record of Senator David Weeks (vermont.gov) bills sponsored and his full voting record including 144 roll call votes.

Additionally, Senator Weeks drafted the following legislation:

  • S-273 Legislator Communications Bill. The bill died in the Senate Government Operations Committee.

  • S-264 Veteran’s Recognition for Silver Star and Distinguished Flying Cross. Incorporated into the Transportation Bill and passed.

  • S-198 Vermont Executive Mansion and Cultural Entertainment Center. The bill died in the Senate Government Operations Committee.